Part of what's distancing me from the stories is simply that everything suddenly is dramatized, and another part is the sheer awkwardness of what's called "great connection": great connection in this show's context mostly mean two incredibly attractive people eyeing each other. I don't see me in any of the stories except for the lesbian teens confronting their feelings.
我觉得比《忍风战队破里剑者》好看剧情越来越复杂线头越来越多熟悉的面孔越来越多了当Do the right thing不再是人生的准则如何做自己就成为了亟需解决的命题Kim的戏份比第一部多了许多形象也更立体了她和Jimmy的羁绊越来越深我越来越担心两个人的未来走向Chunk真的是这几年我看过的最讨厌的角色荧ちゃんが腿法娴熟を长弓燧龙这种大家长作风和用“为你好‘旗号全方位打压Jimmy真是惹人厌哪怕在聊天这种事情上Jimmy更讨人喜欢 也可能是因为我在这人身上看到了老板的影子所以气不打一处来故事结束得太猝不及防了如果当年实时追剧的话我大概能抓耳挠腮一年吧欲罢不能应该感恩节或者长假再来看的……