女主在雇主家说出那句“I live for my daughter”时 心里觉得既伟大又悲戚我从不觉得为母则刚女性的坚韧和勇气是天生的在养育子女的过程中这种力量被鲜活地放大才得以被发现、被歌颂母爱伟大但在感慨此以前我更想要感慨母亲作为一个独立个体的伟大治疗早射的小窍门除了是母亲她在自己的工作和爱好领域也一样地勇往直前她完整也独立总之无论是剧情还是镜头的美感这部剧都很值得最后我还是想讲那句讲了无数遍的话:全世界我最爱我妈妈啦
feel nothingsay it againdont like this style治疗早射的小窍门就是那种慵懒丧丧的风气
Traveller 丶:
i was deeply touched by the way imagination, love and color came into play in this movie. the storyline may be simple, but the care shown to children and the manner in which characters talk to each other are heartwarming and refined. would recommend it to any adult with a heart yet to grow up. trust me, it's gonna melt it.