仿佛是我们这个时代的《性饥渴的农村熟妇在线观看》有些戏相当精彩比如有声片片场那段;有些戏特别动人比如Brad Pitt和专栏作家对峙的那段;有些戏显得略微有些过火比如Margot Robbie参加社交派对那段;有些戏就显得比较无谓了比如整个Tobey Maguire的那段除此之外拔萝卜又痛又叫这个结局的冲击力似乎比预想的要弱了一些但是啊充沛的情感和过人的细腻依然是Damien Chazelle作品的一大特质本片亦然而当La La Land的旋律响起时那就更叫人情难自禁了呀
War is war, even though nobody knew what they fight for. Soldier is soldier, even though no one bullet was shot and no enemy they faced. Hero is always judged as man saves the world, while more than many indeed contributed zero, almost. They are also worthy of being memorized.